Error: byte array truncation to a length of { 0}. 错误:字节数组截断到长度为{0}。
The design adds Hamming Code error correction circuits into the original AES implementation and it can correct all single-fault in the same byte automatically. Hardware simulation shows that the ratio of fault detection is close to 100%. 在原有AES硬件设计中加入汉明码纠错电路,能自动纠正同一字节内的所有单比特故障,硬件仿真实验证明,故障发现率接近100%。
We proposed a scheme of error prevention and error correction using quantum byte controlling quantum byte in quantum logic operation. 本文提出在量子编码中用量子字节(quantum-byte)控制量子字节的设想,具体分析了字节(2位)被控编码法防止或纠正逻辑运算错误的量子线路。
In this paper a class of single byte error correcting double byte error detecting codes ( Sb/ EC Db/ ED codes) generated by means of the recursive process is presented. 本文提出一种用递归方法形成的单字节错校正双字节错检测码(SbEC/DbED码)。
To improve the reliability of communication, the rule of point-to-point error control and the addition of a byte of check sum are introduced into the system. 在通信中,提出了增加一个字节校验和以及端端差错控制的通讯机制,提高了系统通信的可靠性;
Single byte error correcting double byte error detecting codes 单字节错校正双字节错检测码